May 5Edited

Ben misspoke when he said Canada has “progressive euthanasia laws”. It’s not euthanasia if you’re choosing it *for yourself*. Canada’s laws are about assisted suicide. Not the same thing. Euthanasia is when *someone else* does it to you (or whomever). 🤔😉😊

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Democrats must seize the day declaring that Trump is the man responsible for overturning women's reproductive rights in 2022 and Vice President Kamala Harris has just started doing this at campaign stops in various states. The man must be excoriated right through to Election Day so that swing voters will finally realize this.

When will the public and the press be taking this wanna-be "dick"-tator at his word? I'm sick and tired of hearing of how Biden is incompetent and exhausted when this felon is sleeping at his damn trial in Manhattan. I agree with Justin who called him a "cockroach." I truly hope he's convicted in his hush money case going on right now.

It is so disgusting to hear about this Kristi Noem of South Dakota who had the balls to mention that she killed her dog in a book that I would never read if someone paid me $1,000,000. This deranged MAGA governor embraces all of the worst characteristics of the MAGA cult that will definitely not endear her to most sane voters at any time. Her chances of becoming Dump's VP choice have now been shot down (with pun intended)!

Now that Tucker Carlson has lost his much bigger audience on his old employer, Fox News, he seems to be getting even more extreme in his deranged newscasts that are viewed by fewer and fewer people. Let him vanish in obscurity, I say, and good riddance to him. You can't even debate him anymore since his viewpoints are so bizarre.

Now that Trump has been observed falling asleep during his own trial in which he could be convicted on 34 felony counts, he has no leg to stand on in calling the sitting president "tired and sleepy." I dare his campaign to use this tired old trope in the months leading to the election. They will be pulverized by Biden's team in a heartbeat.

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Of all the people and incidents you have been discussing, the sadist woman who killed her dog was the most abnoxious of all.

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