This is by far the best editorial I've seen on the conflict thus far, on any media platform. Most of the coverage seems too skewed to support one side or the other exclusively (the same way American politics is covered). In turn, I'm noticing what appears to be orchestrated social media campaigns aimed at stoking division on these shores -- where friends and family react in anguish to horrible comments other "people" made, such as those applauding the beheading of babies, that may or may not be from real social media accounts (actual human beings). Troll meme sharing ushers in the "comment commando" mentality where your contacts clutch their pearls and cast shame if you haven't shared the exact same memes they have -- "silence is violence!" I try not to fall for any of it. I know Bibi isn't holding back on military decisions until he knows my take on the issue. Complex problems need complex, well-thought solutions, not a deluge of memes and clickbait media coverage. Thank you for adding valuable information to the conversation.

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Many thanks for the kind words Kels, it is much appreciated :)

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“As terrible as the Hamas attack was, it is not a license to commit grievous crimes against Palestinian civilians. Because more bloodshed done to Palestinians means more bloodshed done to Israelis.”

And because, y’know, it’s *wrong*.

The practical cause/effect of more Palestinian bloodshed means more Israeli bloodshed should indeed give leaders pause. (Although it doesn’t figure appropriately high in their calculations. The desire for vengeance and power outweighs their desire for self-preservation.)

Unfortunately when passions run hot, and the flames are fanned by their power-hungry leaders, the practical cause/effect of targeting civilians means loss of the moral high ground and loss of international support also tends to be overlooked. Not just overlooked. Recognizing inhumanity becomes an observation many, too many, actively attack.

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“Classically, a terrorist provokes a state in order to generate so much suffering among his own people that they will take the terrorist’s side indefinitely.”

An obvious ploy which, unfortunately, national leaders are all to willing to fall for. Or, if they recognize it, all to willing to defer to the mob passions of their constituents for revenge than to provide actual leadership.

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