"No matter what I thought I knew before, my primer in reproductive law started during my wife’s miscarriage, has continued ever since, and is woefully incomplete."
It's been a while back but I still have angry memories of when a coworker was beaten by her boyfriend when she realized she was pregnant. She went alone to a clinic where she was harassed and blocked entrance by rabid religious nuts.
She asked other coworkers to help her. Nope. They were pro-life. So I stepped in and volunteered to take a day off work to take her to the same clinic where I met the vilest thugs I ever encountered including a catholic priest who spit in my face trying to keep me from the door. He was deliberately trying to get me to shove or punch him so he could call the police.
We went thru the gauntlet hearing assholes call us babykillers. They endlessly goaded us to react. We didn't. And as I left the priest grabbed me and screamed. I replied "Have a nice day".
Never forgot just how vile those thugs were. And these thugs will endlessly BS about the Fetus but once a baby is born they don't give a rats ass what happens to the kid.
Exactly. As a catholic nun so aptly said in an on line article well over a year ago, these people are not pro life, they are pro birth. Once a baby is born to a woman who doesn’t want it, they couldn’t give a shit less what happens to it. From child care, to feeding and clothing to schooling, none of it is of any interest to these pathetic little control freaks. The catholic priest would do well to mind his own business which should be to police his own ranks of child abusers and sexual predators, but we all know how that has gone.
"If I give birth, will you provide for the child? Food, clothing, daycare so that I can work. Will you cover all those expenses?"
Nobody, NOBODY who has ever picketed a health clinic, called someone a babykiller, or supported any of the many laws designed to block access to abortions would ever, even for a second, consider answering "yes" to those.
They are not "pro-life". They don't give a rats ass about the welfare of the embryo/fetus/baby. If they were truly opposed to abortions they would be just as rabidly in favor of making contraception widely available. (In the entire history of mankind, no non-pregnant woman has ever had an abortion.) But they are vehemently opposed to that. As they are opposed to supporting welfare for single mothers, and universal daycare, and anything else that would actually benefit the child..
They are not "pro-life". That's just the acceptable-sounding façade they hide behind. Their only interest is, and always has been, wielding control over other people.
I do not doubt the sincerity and impact of your experience. I speak as a reader here, one of many. I offer this criticism as a reader.
This article is a mess, TL:DR. It goes way long on basically a narrative dump. The issue is not the framing of the intro so much as the fact that you begin to deal with the crux of the matter way later. You lose the reader. And when you finally get to the point, its messily sculpted. After reading it, I feel like I got little from it.
Again, this is meant to be constructive only. It may be that there is a solid point you could make here. But as it is, it desperately needs an editor because, unless you are a creep like Douhat, this writing would have no chance of seeing print.
It's been a while back but I still have angry memories of when a coworker was beaten by her boyfriend when she realized she was pregnant. She went alone to a clinic where she was harassed and blocked entrance by rabid religious nuts.
She asked other coworkers to help her. Nope. They were pro-life. So I stepped in and volunteered to take a day off work to take her to the same clinic where I met the vilest thugs I ever encountered including a catholic priest who spit in my face trying to keep me from the door. He was deliberately trying to get me to shove or punch him so he could call the police.
We went thru the gauntlet hearing assholes call us babykillers. They endlessly goaded us to react. We didn't. And as I left the priest grabbed me and screamed. I replied "Have a nice day".
Never forgot just how vile those thugs were. And these thugs will endlessly BS about the Fetus but once a baby is born they don't give a rats ass what happens to the kid.
Exactly. As a catholic nun so aptly said in an on line article well over a year ago, these people are not pro life, they are pro birth. Once a baby is born to a woman who doesn’t want it, they couldn’t give a shit less what happens to it. From child care, to feeding and clothing to schooling, none of it is of any interest to these pathetic little control freaks. The catholic priest would do well to mind his own business which should be to police his own ranks of child abusers and sexual predators, but we all know how that has gone.
"If I give birth, will you adopt the child."
"If I give birth, will you provide for the child? Food, clothing, daycare so that I can work. Will you cover all those expenses?"
Nobody, NOBODY who has ever picketed a health clinic, called someone a babykiller, or supported any of the many laws designed to block access to abortions would ever, even for a second, consider answering "yes" to those.
They are not "pro-life". They don't give a rats ass about the welfare of the embryo/fetus/baby. If they were truly opposed to abortions they would be just as rabidly in favor of making contraception widely available. (In the entire history of mankind, no non-pregnant woman has ever had an abortion.) But they are vehemently opposed to that. As they are opposed to supporting welfare for single mothers, and universal daycare, and anything else that would actually benefit the child..
They are not "pro-life". That's just the acceptable-sounding façade they hide behind. Their only interest is, and always has been, wielding control over other people.
I do not doubt the sincerity and impact of your experience. I speak as a reader here, one of many. I offer this criticism as a reader.
This article is a mess, TL:DR. It goes way long on basically a narrative dump. The issue is not the framing of the intro so much as the fact that you begin to deal with the crux of the matter way later. You lose the reader. And when you finally get to the point, its messily sculpted. After reading it, I feel like I got little from it.
Again, this is meant to be constructive only. It may be that there is a solid point you could make here. But as it is, it desperately needs an editor because, unless you are a creep like Douhat, this writing would have no chance of seeing print.