"...it's become very clear that, barring massive election fraud..."

AND the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ desperately attempting to put their thumbs on the scales to make Drumpf look somewhat good and the Democratic candidate look real bad so that they can have their precious horserace they feel entitled to have in order to justify their advertisers as many eyeballs as insanely possible.

AND the sniveling crybaby BernieBums don't try and throw a temper tantrum, because their lord and savior wasn't chosen the Dems candidate, by voting third party, writing in Bernie's name on the ballot, or staying home election night, and blaming it all on the Democrats and their voters for not choosing their person for the nomination.

AND if Mark Zuckerberg goes beggar blind and doesn't acknowledge the massive amounts of fake ads that pollute Facebook because he's too busy counting the Russian rubles those ads generate for him.

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“ , it's become very clear that, barring massive election fraud, Trump is likely to lose the White House, Republicans may lose the Senate, and Democrats are going to take back even more of the House and more state legislatures and Governor's Mansions.”

It has become by no means clear. Despite all the evidence clearly presented, nearly half the country doesn’t want Trump impeached. Despite the steady flow of obvious incompetencies, attacks in national security AND POLICIES THAT WORSEN THEIR OWN LIVES something around 30% still view him as a patriotic godsend.

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