May 11, 2022Liked by Justin Rosario

Thanks for writing this truth. Misogyny often hides under "religious freedom" and other rationalizations for controlling women. So many weak men believe they are entitled to a submissive female. Bullshit. Grow up.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Justin Rosario

Tickets for this grift are $1300-$2300.

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Gah! I forgot to put that in the article!

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May 11, 2022Liked by Justin Rosario

Puts the con back n convention 😏

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

The fact that a disgraced academic like Jordan Peterson can sellout the concert hall down the street from my house is outright terrifying. What's more terrifying is that there is little in terms of a counterbalance - there are few anti-misogynists who can speak to impressionable young men who don't come off as weak willed weirdos or craven opportunists.

This goes back "anti-woke" piece - if the Far Right is saying horrible things but reaffirming your value as a man while the Far Left is telling you are personally at fault for all the rapes and ethnic genocides on the planet - you probably will align yourself with the former. The Far Left is very good at talking to themselves while believing that they can speak for others - the Far Right is unbeaten in speaking to the disillusioned while being laser focused on fascist structures.

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

"They want to destroy your family and brainwash your children."

"They can't handle it — they're sensitive babies"


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So pathetic.

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I agree this is disgusting and evil and should be fervently resisted. Which is why I critize the Ds for not doing whaf it takes to head it off. Excuses and permissiveness on the Ds side leads to this, as sans enforcement and firm resistence, people without morals will go all out, a different circumstance that shares qualities with the "broken windows" problem. Bottom line: we need the Ds to pass laws, no excuses, to stop this. We need them to fight. And they havent. They havent because at the core their supporters never demand they deal with anything because they know people will always say "Vote Blue No Matter What", rather than those souls demanding action. This is alsi a broken windows issue. So the question I have, as I have always had, is this: why arent the Ds passing laws and enforcing existant ones to deal with this. Unless you have an affirmation, why would you expect anyone to vote for people who wont fight to.pass countermeasures?

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uhuh. So the answer to the right's deep misogyny is to blame Democrats. Cool.

So literally anything the right does is the fault of Democrats, thus stripping the right of all agency and responsibility. That's super convenient if one wanted to make sure the right is never held accountable.

And, yes, that is literally what you are doing regardless of how to dress it up. Particularly since you have no practical solutions to offer.

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One additional note. You are asking someone outside of power to find solutions for those in power who arent using said power. So my return is why cant you offer ideas of how this will work?

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Gene: It's all Democrat's fault!

Justin: So suggest a solution instead of just whining.

Gene: NO! YOU suggest a solution.

So... according to Gene it's the Democrats fault that the Republicans are vile, and it's up to someone else to suggest a fix to the problem he wants solved.

IOW, it's always someone else who's falling short.

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

Justin, do you understand that what I am asking for, reasonable in a representative government, for any affective defense against the Rs malevolence? I want America to endure and succeed. Without productive legislation, enforcement, and rhetoric, you do realize the Ds, and not to me to others, have left the field?

Bullying the guy who is stating the obvious isnt going to help. Beating the hippie left doesnt work. So I would suggest you question those in power, not the guy pointing out what is going on. If you think its good that one side of a football field has a rabid bunch of psychos while the other doesn't even have a defensive line, much less anyone hiking the ball, my friend, you just don't get it and are lost in empty rhetoric that will, and I dont want this, lead to the dissolution of our democracy.

Why cant you criticize an ineffectual D party?

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Why can't you acknowledge the role Republicans play?

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

A. i can and I do. Openly and freely. I often say so. But they are nuts and cant be reached. So we have to rely on the Ds to defend us. And my whole point has been we need to encourage the Ds to do so. And they have failed to do so. And its NEVER addressed by the guys here, no matter what. Which says everything about how objective they are.

They love centricism. Centricism has failed to produce. It is old and sclerotic. So it has failed to defend. And they would have us support them regardless.

The Rs are horrible. I want the Ds to fight back . And they don't. And the guys seem to be INCAPABLE of criticizing the Ds or otherwise call them to action. All they do is beat the hippie. They never ask tbe Ds to do anything, come through on anything, no matter what. And I am laying this down right now.

If the Ds fail, it is because they didnt do anything to stop it. And, true to form, these lost causers will blame the far left for that failure, never accepting what was right in their face. I want the Ds to do things. If you dont, you are not that interested in the Ds succeeding.

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"Excuses and permissiveness on the Ds side leads to this, as sans enforcement and firm resistence, people without morals will go all out, a different circumstance that shares qualities with the "broken windows" problem."

No matter how you try to dress it up, Gene, "Look what you made me do!" is still the most pathetic of whines.

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Friend, I dont know what you are talking about.

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Ok, then I’ll type slowly.

You’re saying the Republican’s bad deeds are the fault of the Democrats, because the Dems didn’t stop them.

A.k.a., “It’s not my fault. You made me do it.”

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Are we to expect no defense? I have been very clear: I just want the Ds to fight back and get stuff done, no excuses. How you get anything about the Rs in that, who I have also said are horrid aberations, I dont know. I aint talking about dem. Why are you? Is it maybe I am right, and this is all ledgredemain?

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