This morning on MSNBC, Rep. Gregory Meeks actually said out loud that five Republicans in the House should support Jeffries for Speaker.🤔😉😊

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haven't heard the podcast yet, but omg, russell brand is so vile, so deep into the Dark Side, he needs help. He needs therapy. Maybe meds. He needs to be removed from social interaction, and if de-monetizing his vomit volcano show... then thank you to YouTube!

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Now that a deal was patched together at the last minute, should we care that the repugnicans, as I call them, now want to oust the worst Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, out of his speaker role? He finally realized that this lack of negotiating was not the best optics and that many Americans would penalize his damn party at the polls. Supposedly, Matt Gaetz, the paragon of virtue himself, wants McCarthy out! But who cares unless we get a more horrible version of McCarthy as Speaker. Let's hope not. If he is going to be replaced, let's pray he isn't replaced by a MAGA lunatic. This would hobble the party even more.

I'm so relieved that the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was a real shit show of Republican stupidity and that it came crashing down on them. They should have been totally ashamed of themselves doing this in the middle of negotiations to avert a government shutdown. But they have no shame, no morals, no conscience. And they would have eagerly supported major cuts to social programs that would have impacted millions of people. Why are they still voted into office? I seriously wonder.

Who was that asshole repugnican who couldn't get his "facts" right about Biden being corrupt? That reporter shot down his entire theory of criminal activity within the Biden family with basic facts that repugnicans just refuse to acknowledge.

I had no desire, as Ben acknowledged, to watch the clown show of a repugnican debate this week. I watched the first one and I sorely regretted it. From the clips I watched on MSNBC, it was ghastly. There was a lot of shouting and interfering with candidates' points of view that it went off the rails very quickly. The moderators lost control of the proceedings early on. It was really pointless, as Ben indicated. I liked Justin's comment about Frump falling down a manhole cover and dying and there still would be no viable Republican frontrunner among these seven or so unfavorable and unpopular nominees.

That whole sorry thing with Frump supposedly talking to union workers in Michigan seemed right out of his phony photo op with the upside-down Bible in 2020 that he was vehemently criticized for. I believe he had a very small crowd of onlookers; people were probably paid to be there by the Trump campaign to make it seem the audience was larger than it really was. This is the con man's modus operandi.

The poor record of Trump toward labor must be pounced on by Democrats right away, so that the message gets disseminated everywhere.

The ruling by Judge Engoron against Trump and his organization has been declared a "corporate death blow" to his businesses and does seem to be very impactful for Dumpf in New York. It could be construed as a "corporate death penalty" for the Orange Menace's businesses. Michael Cohen has recently said that this ruling will result in Dumpf losing "more than just several" of his enterprises. Karma, anyone!

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