The unfortunate consequence of Ford’s pardon of Nixon is what we’re seeing now. Are you listening, Mitt?

The hesitancy of Merchan et al to treat Trump like any other defendant is the flip side of the “imperial presidency “. 🤔😉😊

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I absolutely understand why Ford pardoned Nixon. There were important other things Ford the needed the country to be able to focus on and they wouldn't get the attention they needed as long as Nixon's possible prosecution dominated everything.


... with the great benefit of hindsight and seeing how things have gone for the subsequent 50 years, yeah, it was a mistake.

Wanting to avoid a drawn out "national nightmare" has lead to a growing (and not unjustified) belief by those in positions of power that they would never face consequences.

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Trump's only capability is in breaking things. Anything that comes within his sight or reach that isn't broken or is at the least functioning normally, is a threat to him. A person or system must be already damaged to be acceptable in his world. He would have us believe he is the richest of the rich, the women around him are the most beautiful, they're not. In fact he knows it and they know it. He would claim the men in his realm are the strongest and the brightest. That's so laughable. He and the people who enable him are truly extraordinarily capable of a level of violence and destruction that should be described as apocalyptic. I think it was 1987. I saw a "news" report about Trump. All it said was he was a billionaire. I knew then he or someone like him was coming and bringing with them some very bad days. Being that by now there is no known living antithesis to Trump, is not a good sign.

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Since you mentioned the year 1987, it's worth remembering that the late Jimmy Breslin had Trump's number back in the '80s, warned us about him, and twitted the press for its fawning coverage of such a "chump." Here's one example of Breslin's writing contra DJT.


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I wouldn’t expect Trump’s bail to be revoked in Florida unless and until that toady Cannon is replaced. While I think there are grounds, I’m not holding my breath. 🤔😉😊

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“While Merchan has been fair and strict when he needed to be, it’s quite obvious that he’s holding back because Trump is who he is – or was who he was: a president. Like it or not.”

(Merchan has been strict when he needs to be but… has been holding back. Interesting curve (U turn?) in that sentence.)

First off, I don’t like it. Merchan has not been strict where he needs to be. He has the opportunity to show, very clearly, that the law applies equally to all. His taking baby steps (and even then only as a last resort when Trump’s acts are too blatantly egregious to pretend not to see) because he fears the *political* consequences is instead showing the opposite, that in his courtroom the law will be applied UNequally.

He has a prime opportunity to stand up for the rule of law, and he’s letting either/both fear of corrupt justices above him reversing him on appeal or the *political* consequences of holding Trump to account stop him from doing the right thing (making himself corrupt).

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Yes, I have to agree. Merchan is failing in his responsibility as judge. Merchan told Trump he was showing him deference because he used to be the President. That's not how it works. Trump briefly held the "Office of the President". It's the office not the man that warrants honor and respect. The man has to live up to the standards of the office. Merchan apparently is not aware of that relationship.

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Merchan is being cowardly. His afraid of doing his job well and properly because someone might criticize him for doing so.

Whether it’s being reversed on appeal or the affect on the election if he throws Trump in jail (outside politics should absolutely NOT be a consideration in a legal proceeding) he’s clearly believing the way to repond to bullies is to give into them.

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What do you think about the concepts of honor and respect? Judge Merchan is showing Trump respect and honor in spite of the fact Trump deserves neither. Otherwise, the judge would've locked him up already. I suspect Judge Merchan is misjudging Trump to Trump's favor out of a misplaced sense of the man and the office. I doubt fear is a factor in the judge's reasoning. Thanks for replying. Your comment was interesting.

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I'm all for honor and respect. Where is the honor and respect Merchan owes to the law and the people of NY he's sworn to impartially serve?

Treating Trump like any other defendant, making sure he gets an impartial jury, making sure the trial is conducted fairly, making sure he gets all the rights he's entitled to while on trial. These give Trump all the respect he (or any other defendant) is due.

Merchan is going way beyond showing Trump the respect he's due as a defendant. He's showing him *deference*. And in doing so is DISrespecting and DIShonoring those more deserving of it.

He's afraid of the possible reactions to his applying the law equally and fairly, and he's letting that fear affect how he's treating this one defendant.


I appreciate (and respect) your replies, too. Good discussion. Thanks!

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Donald Trump and Charles Manson did the same crimes. They have not had the same treatment or done the same times. Everyone is supposed to get equal treatment before the law, yes?

Then if Donald gets to walk all over Merchan, the rest of us should as well. Merchan rugs and welcome mats should be everywhere.



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