MAGA wanted Paul Whelan released rather than, or at least in addition to, Brittney Griner. However, the prisoner that Russia wanted in exchange, Vadim Krasikov, is being held in Germany. The U.S. engaged with Germany, but Berlin flat-out denied Russia's request. Once again, uninformed and misplaced rage on MAGA's part.

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Isn't it always?

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Sure seems that way.

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Hey Justin, there have been only 12 Presidential elections in 50 years. 3 out of 12 is 1 out of 4. It doesn’t sound all that rare when one puts it like that. OTOH, you could have gone back to 1932, when Hoover lost to FDR, to find the last time before Carter that an incumbent President lost; that makes it three times in 90 years. (You might argue LBJ, but he *chose* to not run — similarly for Truman, as the 22nd Amendment didn’t apply to him — but that’s not actually losing.) 🤔😉😊

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Yeah, that was going through my head as I was saying it but I couldn't remember on the spot who had lost before Carter. I should have had that info prepped beforehand. Boo me. -_-

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Why is the media so gaga over Biden's cognitive decline and are still giving Dumpf a free pass for the most part? Especially with that recent speech you played in which he forgot who he was running against and thought we were veering on the brink of "World War II"? This is clear evidence of Dumpf's true cognitive decline over Biden's supposed deterioration. His words even sounded slurred as if he were drunk or something.

If the government does shut down after the 30th, this will definitely serve as more grist to the mill to reject all Republicans in the upcoming election, along with their stance against abortion. I agree with Justin's comment concerning Dumpf's egging the Republicans on to shut down the government. This is being done only to satisfy their Supreme Leader and nothing else. This will go down as the worst ever for Republicans, and they must suffer the consequences for advocating this during the next election cycle. Democrats this time should not shoulder any blame for this and they must use this to their advantage after it happens - if it does.

The freeing of the Iranian hostages by Biden should have been met with universal approbation instead of criticism by certain media outlets and the MAGA party. It's good that you pointed out that Dumpf removed us from the Iranian nuclear deal which would serve as a precursor to what would happen if this madman ever wins the 20204 election. The American public needs to be reminded of this all the time before they decide to vote for an autocrat like Dumpf again.

I liked your last segment which was definitely a ray of sunshine, given the political landscape emerging today. The fact that Democrats won in these two statehouses gives us hope that there will be another massive backlash against Republicans in 2024. This is good news for a change.

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