Eager to hear your take as the week unfolds. That we've had so many seismic "big story" turns in the past month makes me hopeful anything's possible in the next 3 months. In the short-term, Trump is going to market the hell out of the images of him saying "fight" with his arm defiantly in the air. His base will further gel into their victimhood and persecution complex. The center will be sympathetic to Trump. And the media will DARE NOT SPEAK ILL of Trump out of courtesy as he recovers. Biden has already pulled his entire ad campaign, shutting off counter-narrative during the debate. I feel a new, younger DMC ticket with Biden's full endorsement to transition his base, will help pressure wash Saturday from people's memories -- not this week, but in August and beyond.
Keep on disagreeing!
Based on what I've seen so far you aren't fit to wipe Matt's ass.
Or anyone else's, for that matter.
Eager to hear your take as the week unfolds. That we've had so many seismic "big story" turns in the past month makes me hopeful anything's possible in the next 3 months. In the short-term, Trump is going to market the hell out of the images of him saying "fight" with his arm defiantly in the air. His base will further gel into their victimhood and persecution complex. The center will be sympathetic to Trump. And the media will DARE NOT SPEAK ILL of Trump out of courtesy as he recovers. Biden has already pulled his entire ad campaign, shutting off counter-narrative during the debate. I feel a new, younger DMC ticket with Biden's full endorsement to transition his base, will help pressure wash Saturday from people's memories -- not this week, but in August and beyond.
Some of the polls (e.g., Marist) have returned to pre-debate levels. Goddess only knows what will happen after Saturday. 🤔😉😊