Multiple credible media sources this week have shifted the focus from what a Trump presidency would look like to what a Vance presidency would look like --because let's face it, once Trump washes away his legal issues, he has little interest in running the country. He'll happily take the ego strokes of appearing to be in power and punishing his critics while Vance (much like Dick Cheney) will run the country as a shadow president, setting the stage to become a dictator once Trump has been put out to pasture. And that might be the ultimate trigger to get him to implode -- Harris/Walz start referring to Trump as Vance's puppet and make the election about stopping a Vance presidency.

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Notably, Democrats have started flipping Nikki Haley’s script, arguing that a vote for Trump is really a vote for Vance, since Trump is likely to be unable (for any of several reasons) to complete his term. 🤔😉😊

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"Denial" is one of the most important parts of that list of genocide.

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Denial is one of the key factors that starts the cycle again.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he hauls an immigrant up on stage and shoots them in the last week of October.

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And he'd get away with it.

He told us so.

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I'm sure SCROTUS would declare it an official campaign act.

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Donnie has spoken of his "day of violence" where cops get to go beat on people...and we know which people he means. I believe that many...even most...cops would defy orders and not do that (call me naïve if you want) you can be sure that the others would gleefully. Apart from the glaring empirical evidence over the last several decades that they would now the Fraternal Order of Police has given it's support to Donnie. Yes, Donnie, who is an adjudicated rapist and 34 count (for now) criminal is being backed by the biggest police organization in the country with over 370,000 members. I didn't really have an opinion about FOP before other than I got tired of them calling me for donations which I politely decline. I may not be so polite the next time and ask how they can justify endorsing a criminal for president. It at least makes the entire organization and all of it's members criminal adjacent.

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Imagine an alternate history where Germany did allow Trump’s draft dodging grandfather go back home. The Trump family would have joined in the NAZI madness 80 years earlier.

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All I ever want to know are two answers about Trump: what kind of corset does wear with his suits (as opposed to those horrific photos of him golfing), and what is keeping him alive?

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