“ If his political fortunes continue to dissolve, who knows what he’ll do to keep the news cycle squarely focused on his spittle-spewing mug.”

If only the news outlets would get a case of trump fatigue. Or just a sense of responsibility.

Just because trump makes his next desperate grab for attention doesn’t mean they need to pay attention to it.

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“some of Trump’s hardcore supporters are starting to peel off from the collective.

This has to be Trump fatigue.”

It certainly isn’t due to them discovering a sense of shame. That’s never going to happen.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Biden won Iowa. It went to Dukakis in 1988, Clinton in 1992 and 1996, Gore in 2000, and Obama in 2008 and 2012. Sure, we are responsible for Steve King, but the state as a whole is not as conservative as it may appear from the outside.

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Would love to see Lincoln Project ads featuring the brilliant Tony Atamanuik parodying Trump. Just show his most outrageous utterances and thrn show videos of Red Hats cheering for him. Any sane undecideds that are left may find that alot more compelling than listening to Biden's platitudes and Kamala's run on sentence. Much like Bud Lite ads many years ago with then budding actor Bob Odenkirk (aka Jimmy McGill and Saul Goodman).

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