"his hideous and unforgivable compulsion to protect the economy and therefore his re-election chances instead of taking responsible measures when it really mattered."

The tragic irony being, his actions to "protect" the economy have assured that it will be worse off than otherwise, while taking responsible measures when it really mattered is what would have guaranteed his re-election.

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If Hillary Clinton were president (and thanks to the usual culprits who sabotaged her, she's not), the death toll would indeed be 90% less than it is right now.

Yet Republicans, their enablers, like Fox News, in the Right Wing Noise Machine™, and their goober followers, would be bloody screaming 24/7 that the blood of the rest of the dead is all on Clinton, and that she and the Democratic party must pay a brutal price for what they perceive is evil criminality.

And the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ would just nod their heads and say "Seems a logical conclusion. Hillary Evil!!! Yay for our horserace!!!"

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