I’m done hoping that people who are insistently ignorant will ever turn around and someday learn something.
I’m done believing that someday their own self interest will become apparent to them.
I’m done believing it will ever be possible to work with people who refuse to advance beyond the stage of a selfish three-year-old.
And I am *done* having compassion for people who have shown over and over and OVER again that they are not just out to kill me in any way they can, but eager to do so.
“On March 14, [Karen Kolb Sehlke’s] Facebook post ... hit all the Fox News talking points.
Please now donate to her "Go Fu** Me" page. No gubment contributions allowed--Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and Trump $2T "CARES" bailouts are okay, though.
”Corporations demand profits no matter how many have to die”
The only problem I have with that is the underlying acceptance of the idea that corporations are loving entities that, of their own accord, want things.
Citing “corporations” rather than the individuals that make all the decisions just to let those individuals off the hook.
I’m done hoping that people who are insistently ignorant will ever turn around and someday learn something.
I’m done believing that someday their own self interest will become apparent to them.
I’m done believing it will ever be possible to work with people who refuse to advance beyond the stage of a selfish three-year-old.
And I am *done* having compassion for people who have shown over and over and OVER again that they are not just out to kill me in any way they can, but eager to do so.
“On March 14, [Karen Kolb Sehlke’s] Facebook post ... hit all the Fox News talking points.
She died on April 2 from Covid-19.”
Sounds like a damn fine start to me.
Please now donate to her "Go Fu** Me" page. No gubment contributions allowed--Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and Trump $2T "CARES" bailouts are okay, though.
For... ?
Just wait 14 days after Republican Megachurches are packed for Easter services...Darwin Awards will be overloaded with new candidates!
”Corporations demand profits no matter how many have to die”
The only problem I have with that is the underlying acceptance of the idea that corporations are loving entities that, of their own accord, want things.
Citing “corporations” rather than the individuals that make all the decisions just to let those individuals off the hook.
“just lets those”
sigh Overly intrusive auto correct and the inability to go back to edit/correct postings are really screwing me up today.
“LIVING” entitles.
Brilliant essay, Justin. Outstanding analysis.
Highlighting GOP's insanity is a disturbing side effect of the virus. And if a Democrat was in power they'd be benghazied on day 1.
So, just like Russian bots like you, then.
So why haven’t you?
Ah. So you’re just a garden variety troll then.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha