“Biden’s chances of building bridges with Republicans becomes almost impossible.”

Biden’s efforts to build bridges with Republicans should be severely limited. And contingent on an actual demonstration by Republicans that they have stopped their shit.

A clear, declarative statement by all Republican leaders that trump lost before being willing to negotiate with them, for example.

It’s shameful that a leading political party in our own country has to be treated like a foreign adversary that we’re trying to hammer out a non-proliferation treaty with. But that’s what the a Republican Party is: indistinguishable from Iraq or the Taliban.

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Nailed it!

But Trump is by no means done. In fact, he's really just gotten started. Now he can finally "pivot" to a place he's most comfortable: on the sidelines, complaining, criticizing and deriding others from a position of RIGHTEOUS GRIEVANCE and INDIGNATION. With nearly 48% of the electorate on his "side" and 2/3 of them believing the election was "stolen," and with a free Twitter account in good standing, Trump can continue to broadcast his incoherent diatribes 24/7, lambasting whomever he pleases with impunity and endless echoes on Twitter to ensure continuous media attention, day in and day out. I fully expect and am willing to wager Trump will "launch" his new "platform" on Inauguration Day--likely in a deep Red state with a "rally"--and that the media will fall in line, dutifully covering it as "news" and giving it the false credibility it so rich doesn't deserve, all in the name of "fairness" and "balance."

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