"Hate that Trump thinks will appeal to his base."

It will. It's what his base lives for.

It'll turn off most of the others, sure. But as long as Trump gets adulation unending from his base he'll keep mainlining the hate to them.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Justin Rosario

This racist, xenophobic, fascist demagoguery is the work of Cory Lewindowsky(?spelling) who was run out of Trump’s West Wing cabal after several women reported him for sexual harassment. He was brought back bc Trump has completely lost it.

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Would it be possible to stop linking to NYT articles? They’re paywalled, and there is no way I’m going to give them money for the sane washing and right-wing platforming that they’re doing. They’ve become a terrible source of information, and IMO we should all stop driving traffic their way.

If it’s possible to quote, rather than link, I’d really appreciate it.

I understand that I have some real chutzpah asking this when I’m not a paying subscriber of yours. But I will go look for a Kofi link or something similar to send you a tip!

Thanks for considering this.

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Sep 18Liked by Justin Rosario

Ok, I give. I’m a paying subscriber now. Your writing is too good to not support.

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Thank you!

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During the George Floyd murder protests, when I was still I on (ugh) Nextdoor, there were people who claimed — no, not claimed, *insisted* — that caravans of “people from Oakland” (local code for Black people) were coming down the road from the Oakland Airport to, I guess, pillage and rape. These ugly rumors were promoted by Facebook and Instagram posts showing purportedly (but clearly fake) posters encouraging people to come to Alameda to riot. I quit Nextdoor promptly thereafter, and as is probably obvious, I’m still traumatized by the event. 🤔😉😊

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They just can’t stop themselves.

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I had something similar at the time. The rumors started to fly around the Red Folks in this somewhat integrated, fairly affluent AZ town that protests (read: race riots) were coming to our local Target, which happens to be at the intersection of our two largest streets. ‘Can you imagine!’ Well, no, I couldn’t. Former-journalist me had to go see what’s up. I got in the car with my oldest child, who was also curious, and drove to the supposed riot scene.

Nothing. access from the parking lot to the main road was blocked by cement barriers, but not a soul. Not even a cop car. The only place I saw anything amiss was at the other end of the strip mall where a jewelry store had a security force of two or three people, all the lights on, protective fences down, etc. But absolutely zero happened.

Congratulations, MAGA, you’ve just made money for security guards everywhere. And you got to scare some gullible people. Yay you.

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Attacking Target seemed a common accusation at the time. 🤔😉😊

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Laura Loomer is the perfect Trump stooge, wearing the perfect Trump-approved t-shirt! I wonder if she bought it at the Sociopaths R Us Store?

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I can’t understand how Loomer can stand his farts.

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Maybe Trump and she are on the same flatulence wavelength?

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I never thought that: thanks 😊.

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He,drump, already has said that “they” raped women and sodamized the little girls!” I saw the piece of garbage say it during a recent speech

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Trump knows that, because he’s a rapist.

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DonOld did nothing wrong?? DonOld does nothing RIGHT

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Put all 4 of those thumbs up their racist, bigoted Nazi asses

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