Justin Rosario, I love the description of you. It made me laugh.

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I really think the gig is up with this new incriminating evidence regarding the audiotapes made by Donald Dumpf concerning the "lost" documents taken from Mar-a-Lago. Jack Smith's reputation would be shredded if, for some inexplicable reason, he doesn't indict this son of a bitch. Dumpf has lied about being able to classify these documents and this is the literally the smoking gun in this case. How he could not be charged with espionage now is beyond me! Millions of Americans are expecting this second indictment and it must come soon. The Georgia indictment is just icing on the cake, in my mind.

I think Dumpf is now freaking out about these last revelations. How anyone could still support this twice-impeached, sexual abuser and initially indicted soon-to-be felon is beyond me! This has to hurt him somehow. I hope then that we will see "Little Donnie in handcuffs," as Ben referred to this possibility in the podcast.

I agree that the debt ceiling deal is very good for Joe Biden. Maybe not so good for Kevin McCarthy who still has angered his lunatic fringe with less than what they hoped for. The American people ultimately won with this deal. I hope Justin enjoyed his lobster dinner on Friday.

How could anyone with a brain think that Dumpf is more cogent than Biden. We all know that he's not and cannot even debate the better contestant who is Biden here. Many of us underestimated Biden's strengths from the very beginning. Let him walk over Dumpf in any debate if the latter even decides to participate in them. As of now, I've heard that Dumpf is sitting out all debates if this is even true. Dumpf must know inherently that he would be beaten by Biden in any real debate.

I thank Justin for acknowledging hard-working teachers since I was an elementary school teacher until 2017 and I did all of the extra work that Justin mentioned in his homage to the teaching profession. Tuberville failed to mention how many dedicated teachers are leaving the job because of politics - the same sort of divisive politics that his own party has endorsed ever since the Reign of Dumpf. I also condemn this Tommy Tuberville (what a freaking loony tune name anyway) who disparaged the teaching profession in ridiculous comments he recently made. He is a jerk and there's no two ways to say it.

The assault on the transgender community from the far right is just plain ugly and there must be a way to stop this juggernaut. Exposing them for the cruelty that they used in such campaigns could be the first step. Maybe writing letters to such retailers like Target to tell them to bring back Pride merchandise is another!

I missed your podcast last week and I'm glad you have returned.

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