“If Trump does go to war with Iran, no media pundit in America could continue to plausibly blame “Washington elites” when half of them are desperately trying to stop it.”

I’ve seen comments like this before. That there is no way someone can “plausibly” or “reasonably” do something. The problem is they ignore how utterly unreasonable the pundits and, perhaps more notably, the audiences of sociopaths they play to, are.

If Trump does go to war with Iran, plausibility won’t slow “conservative” media pundits from continuing to blame “Washington elites” despite the clear reality that half of them are desperately trying to stop it AT ALL.

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”Democrats, claims Carlson, don’t hate Trump because he lies, it’s because he tells the truth).”

The Democrats, says Carlson, have always been at war with Eastasia.

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