Cannot agree more with Justin’s comments around 26:00 that Trump fucked himself by not dealing with Covid. I’ve been saying the same since before the 2020 election.

His lies early on claiming it wasn’t a big deal or that it was under control were because he was afraid the economy would go bad and that would cost him the election. Had he instead dealt with Covid he would have been able to proclaim himself the saviour and likely been reelected easily.

But he’s a short-sighted idiot incapable of playing even one dimensional chess and very much screwed himself over.

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And not just him. Jared was all in on the “let Covid run rampant” plan. I guess having daddy buy his Ivy League degree didn’t actually make him smart. Either one of them.

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I've never thought of Jared as particularly dumb. Privileged, entitled, and utterly lacking in any empathy or in curiosity that could lead him to actually consider that people not in his sphere have value. Plus unable to succeed in anything without the efforts of other people propping him up

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Neither did I until I found out the thought Covid would only affect blue cities and states.

I’m sorry, if you somehow graduate and ivy league college and still don’t understand how viruses spread, you are not a smart person. Your degree is fake as fuck.

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Momentarily forgot about that one. I could see it as a blindness that comes from a combination of his privilege/entitlement that assumes things will go as he wants and the eagerness for cruelty that all Republicans have which overwhelms any thought process.

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