I hope to have your optimism concerning the prospects for 2023! Surely, this should be the year that a former dictator-in-waiting will get his comeuppance and might actually get fitted for an orange jumpsuit. We can only hope this dream does comes true. This would effectively put a nail in the Orange One's political comeback, which is pretty absurd just to think about it.
Who knows what will happen to Congress after Republicans gain control of the House in January? Let's hope that things will get so divisive that nothing deleterious can be pursued by them to screw up what has already been accomplished by Democrats earlier. Only time will tell here.
Wishing the team a very Happy and peaceful New Year! Looking forward to hearing your podcast next month.
I hope to have your optimism concerning the prospects for 2023! Surely, this should be the year that a former dictator-in-waiting will get his comeuppance and might actually get fitted for an orange jumpsuit. We can only hope this dream does comes true. This would effectively put a nail in the Orange One's political comeback, which is pretty absurd just to think about it.
Who knows what will happen to Congress after Republicans gain control of the House in January? Let's hope that things will get so divisive that nothing deleterious can be pursued by them to screw up what has already been accomplished by Democrats earlier. Only time will tell here.
Wishing the team a very Happy and peaceful New Year! Looking forward to hearing your podcast next month.