I walked away from Twitter the day after the self-proclaimed “Chief Twit” unsuspended professional Jew-hater Andrew Anglin. Haven’t been back since. Musk showed his true colours then.

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I sometimes despair when I see how easily people will fall for the same old lies, again and again, no matter how many times they've been disproven, and no matter how horrific the consequences are when those lies are taken seriously.

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And as I said elsewhere, I dare — DARE — Musk to sue the ADL. One, he will lose; two, he will be officially marked an anti-Semite, just the way Judge Kaplan (of the E. Jean Carroll suit) branded TFG a rapist. 🤔😉😊

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I hope he does. But he won’t.

The very last thing he wants to face is an impartial ruling on what he’s doing. He much prefers to stay in his little echo chamber, where he can control whatever he wants and claim things are true without having to prove them in court.

I do, however, look forward to the ADL following in Dominion’s and Smartmatic’s footsteps and suing him for defamation, libel and slander.

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I agree with you, I don’t think he actually will. He’s a coward.🤔😉😊

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Of course he’s a coward. All bullies are.

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Rule of thumb: The more vehemently someone denies being anti-Semitic (or racist or bigoted generally), the more likely it is that they are.🤔😉😊

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“I’m not anti-Semitic! I’m not!! Who said I was? I bet it was the Jews. Always liars.”

They just don’t hear themselves.

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Some time ago, I wrote a post on Google+ (RIP) titled “How to Tell a Racist from Very Far Away (h/t Monty Python). Here is the thesis, as briefly as I can get it.

1. Everybody says stupid shit every now and then. Everybody.

2. Someone says something stupid, and somebody else calls them on it. You can expect to get one of two types of responses:

2a: “Really? That wasn’t my intent. What makes you think so? I’ll have to think about it…“

2b: (Angrily) “Are you calling me a racist?!“ Followed by a defense of their racist statement because it’s “true“.

Which one do you think is the *actual* racist? 🤔😉😊

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At this point anyone who hasn't bailed from the Social Media Formerly Known As Twitter is part of the problem. His obvious pathologies should have warned any sane and decent people off that platform months ago. Staying isn't injecting any sanity to the platform, it's lending a veneer of legitimacy where any legitimacy went out the door in Elon's first wave of firings. There's nothing left there but fan bois and odiousness, with him squatting on top like a toad incubating a rooster's egg.

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I call him the "Chief Twerp." You can't take the apartheid out of the man, or the narcissism, or the compulsive lying. I hope he gets papercuts when he says misogynist things. I hope Tyrant Bonesaw screams at him every time his Twitter shares go down in value.

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