I wrack my brain night and day trying to imagine a way out of this dual-reality situation and I just don't know what it would be. The only thing I can think of would be for Tom Steyer to quit trying to buy standing in the primaries and get together with other extra rich people to put together a consortium to buy Fox News. It could continue to have a conservative angle, but one based on facts. Good and smart people can take the same set of facts and reach different conclusions and that's a good thing. But without an agreed-upon set of facts it looks like our future is going to boing back and forth with one side asserting power over the other based on who can get and hold the majority. And that would still leave the other side seething in rage.

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"Of course, in this context, "persecuted" means "told they can't persecute all of the people they hate,""

Indeed. Their problem is they see the way things have been as the right, proper and <b>fair</b> way for things to be. Because that's how things have been.

The idea that things have NOT been fair, that some groups of people (like the one they belong to) have had privileges not granted to members of other groups of people, is completely incomprehensible to them. They just cannot see it.

And trying to explain it to them is like trying to explain green to a blind person.

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"This divergence from observable reality has meant the right wing of this country is no longer operating from the same set of facts as the rest of us. They're not even operating on an internally coherent set of facts."

In a nutshell.

Emphasis on "nut".

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