"Patrick also made pains to explain to Rogan that while young people are extremely likely to die from Covid-19, the virus is still potentially extremely dangerous to them."

Is that missing a "not" somewhere?

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good catch! thanks Christopher!

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Interesting timing you have there, Ben. It's just been recently reported that Joe Rogan tested positive for Covid19!

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Yep and was over it in like two days which really pissed off the vaccine pushing crowd. What Joe is trying to say which the author of this article and most people who believe the vaccine is the only way is that we have a disease that is 99.5% survivable & the 0.5% of those who are struggling & dying have underlying conditions or comobidities. Not sure why the author dismisses that as not an important bit of information? Also the number if people who are obese and have strong reactions to covid. Again something we should be telling people. Yet how dare we fat shame someone or say that being fat is anything other than perfectly ok, but its ok to shove a needle in everyone’s arm full of an experimental gene therapy masked as a vaccine. They literally had to change the definition of vaccine so it would fit this treatment.

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It's not experimental gene therapy. It's a vaccine. You might want to research this before spreading conspiracy theories online. Also, no one is denying co-morbidities are a factor. Selfish assholes bring this up all the time because they aren't interested in protecting others, just obsessed with their own freedom to be selfish assholes.

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Its a vaccine since they changed the definition of vaccine to fit. If you looked up the definition in the Harvard medical site for example it would not have matched what this shot does. The CDC even changed the definition on their site. Webster changed their definition of vaccine in April 2021 to include the mRna shots. So maybe you need to do the research chief. I see a lot of discussion about Joe Rogan or Florida, Texas, etc. I don’t hear Biden or anyone criticizing the African American community in large urban areas that have a 30% vax rate vs Fla with a 56% vaccination rate.

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mRNA vaccines don't alter DNA, 'chief'. This has been debunked over and over again (https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-mrna-gene/fact-check-mrna-vaccines-are-distinct-from-gene-therapy-which-alters-recipients-genes-idUSL1N2PH16N). People like you repeat this to scare people and it's absolutely revolting. And yes, vaccination rates are terrible in African American communities. I'm sure you must feel very proud of yourself for spreading vaccine disinformation and thus making the situation even worse.

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Poor choice of words on my part I didn’t mean to infer the shot changed DNA. But until this “vaccine” was released no other vaccine functioned in this way. Thus the reason for the change in vaccine definition. I am not anti vaccine but there are a lot of weird things going on that have created public hesitancy to get vaccinated. The moment this became a political tool we were doomed to be in this situation. If you remember this started with the campaign for president. Biden questioned a Trump vaccine efficacy. Harris said she would not take a vaccine if Trump mandated it, yet its ok for Biden to do so. Cuomo said you couldn’t trust Trump or the FDA & he would not recommend the shot for New Yorkers. No masks needed , then we need masks. 6 feet distance then we find out that really has no basis in science. when fauchi was asked why people who have had covid need the vaccine said he didn’t really have an answer, but he is still a pushing the vaccine for those people. Not to mention all the lies from Fauchi and his involvement in the development of covid. Of course we will never know since its highly likely the US helped fund this gain of function research.

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Fauci is a scientist and a public health official, and that means his views and advice changes as new evidence arises. There has always been a logic behind Fauci's advice, and that has been based on the best available evidence at the time. This is how science is done. It is very hard, very difficult, and completely thankless when you have amateur youtube "researchers" smearing him constantly for things they don't (or can't) understand.

As for not trusting Trump with the vaccine, why would you? The comparison between him and Biden is preposterous. Trump drew all over the National Hurricane Center's map for Hurricane Dorian because he refused to accept he was wrong about where the hurricane was headed. He promoted Hydroxychloroquine and advocated putting bleach in your body to combat Covid, and then tried to bully the FDA into approving the vaccines long before clinical evidence was in. Biden on the other hand, has listened to public health officials and scientists and based policy off of that instead of his "gut". Trump politicized covid, not Biden, and the vaccine hesitancy is a direct product of his disastrous presidency. Just look at the death toll in GOP states.

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Are you now going to apologize to the so called “disinformation pushers” who have now been proven right? The vaccine is now proven to be killing hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of healthy and unhealthy people as all cause mortality is up 30% in vaccinated countries and counting as COVID becomes a non issue for most (especially those with natural immunity) . People like you who pushed this should be held accountable for this historical crime of epic proportions. To pretend what we just went through didn’t happen is a crime in itself. People’s entire livelihoods were threatened as bribery for the v@ccine and children were ran off playgrounds to get in line for the death j@b. We need to talk about to this and pushers need to be held accountable for us to be a healthy society.

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