The latest MUST listen to episode of The Banter Podcast is now out!! Here’s the rundown:
In five seconds, Mike and Ben debunk the racist myth that Kamala Harris is ineligible to be Vice President. Trump tweets to "suburban housewives" that Cory Booker will bring poor black people to their neighborhoods if Joe Biden becomes president. The election-related chicanery in the postal service continues. There will be a constitutional crisis in November. Plus, can Trump supporters be good people? Listen now and let us know what you think!
(image: Getty images)
Read the latest for Banter Members:
The Axis Of Ignorance: My Terrifying Journey Into COVID Conspiracy Land
Q-Anon and New Age Wellness "experts" are peddling in extremely dangerous conspiracy theories that threaten to undermine our response to the Coronavirus, says Ben Cohen

Don’t Turn Us Into Belarus
A letter to the secret police defending the White House after Election Day - by Justin Rosario

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