The Senate acquits Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial and Mike wins his bet with Ben, who opts to read a "hostage statement" Mike wrote on his behalf.
Ben, I side with your optimism for the Republicans to have roused up enough votes to convict donnie. I don't believe it came from a point of naivete or blindness. Like you I was optimistic and half expected enough Senators would look at the future and decide that detaching their car from the crazy train before going through the tunnel of demographic extinction would be the best option from a menu of bad options. I hoped they'd embrace democracy over authoritarianism.
There have been numerous opportunities for Republicans to have unhooked their car for the last four years and they did not. Some justified the atrocious behavior and even went from being haters to apparent lovers of donnie (e. Graham, Cruz). So my hope that they would uphold their oath of office was tempered with white hot Gen-X cynicism.
Was it a fool's hope? Probably...though you're not a fool to have had hope and expect people to do the right thing.
Excellent podcast this week!
Regarding the bet...
Ben, I side with your optimism for the Republicans to have roused up enough votes to convict donnie. I don't believe it came from a point of naivete or blindness. Like you I was optimistic and half expected enough Senators would look at the future and decide that detaching their car from the crazy train before going through the tunnel of demographic extinction would be the best option from a menu of bad options. I hoped they'd embrace democracy over authoritarianism.
There have been numerous opportunities for Republicans to have unhooked their car for the last four years and they did not. Some justified the atrocious behavior and even went from being haters to apparent lovers of donnie (e. Graham, Cruz). So my hope that they would uphold their oath of office was tempered with white hot Gen-X cynicism.
Was it a fool's hope? Probably...though you're not a fool to have had hope and expect people to do the right thing.