I've mentioned elsewhere my K-12 Christian nationalist education. The problem is organized religion. The weird thing is, I don't believe the problem is the Bible, or Jesus for that matter. It's men, mostly, interpreting and twisting the Bible. But the overall huge feature here is devoutness. As in American Taliban - really, really into converting infidels (all us woke people) internally before focusing outward with their sights set upon Islam. And Judaism, but that goes without saying. Essentially, they want to start a new Crusades. The huge NYT Haberman et al piece on Leonard Leo, Federalist Society, etc. Yeah, that's all part of it. Oh, and a good number of them are 100% down with genocide.
From the crusades to the Spanish Inquisition to European persecution of Jews, and it didn’t start with Hitler, he didn’t invent the Jewish ghettos or the wearing of the Star of David, but I digress, from the beginning until the present men have perverted the teachings of Jesus Christ-the ultimate pacifist. He said “love one another,” and parables are full of more wisdom than I’ve ever read in one place. I did this on my own because of growing up in the Bible Belt and doubting so much of what people said, I just read the entire Bible like I would any book, from beginning to end a little each morning after work before sleep.
I get so upset at those ignorant hypocrites but also those who only judge by the crazy’s, the zealots, just like the man who told the pastor in Bens writing that they no longer followed that, turn the other cheek stuff.
I am aquatinted with quite a few of these people-they sing the loudest while lifting their hands up to the ceiling-not Jesus. They’re Sunday Christian’s and the name came from Christ, they are it. But they represent it to so many.
“I was able to maintain friendships with John McCain and Mitt Romney voting Republicans, despite our vehement disagreements over policy.”
Several of my friends and I have a number of disagreements over policy. Some minor, some quite vehement. But however intensely we differ on what should be done about a situation, we agree on the basic facts of the situation and leave even a heated discussion still friends with mutual respect.
I also had friends who just could not bring themselves to acknowledge basic facts of reality. Talking with them very quickly became a pointless exercise, and is also why the first sentence of this paragraph is in the past tense.
In my experience upwards of 80% of people who declare themselves to be “Christians” aren’t. It’s just a label they apply to themselves as cover so they can believe they are good people as they violate all of Christ’s teachings.
So that they cling to Trump baffles me not at all.
Thanks Ben for bringing this story out and telling its truth. Right, this started decades ago but what is ingrained in my mind I’d the George Bush Campaign ran by Karl Rove, using fear of everything including non-existent WMD’s that were never found, but they used evangelicals too, to win for GW Bush. I knew people who voted for Bush specifically for that reason, that he was a born again Christian.
That’s when it took on a life of its own and grew ever more dangerous, ripe for someone like Donald Trump to step in. Btw, we know trump said he didn’t need forgiving, a big no no in any Baptist belief, he said he never sinned, another big no no. Well they have their new profit, a false one if their ever was. If their really is an anti-Christ I would say it’s Donald Trump, he did everything right, except have “all” people follow him and that ain’t Donald. Almost, like some believed Hitler was, but they didn’t quite make the cut.
Gosh. You actually read what Ben wrote and decided he wasn’t a wing nut after all (but still called him a fruitcake, David). I’m sure you made his day.
“They weren’t bad people for believing that Darwinian evolution wasn’t a liberal plot to kill God”
That caused me to do a double take. Did you mean “was”?
good catch! thanks Christopher :)
Sometimes my irritating pedantry is a good thing. 😀
Thanks. Had me too
I've mentioned elsewhere my K-12 Christian nationalist education. The problem is organized religion. The weird thing is, I don't believe the problem is the Bible, or Jesus for that matter. It's men, mostly, interpreting and twisting the Bible. But the overall huge feature here is devoutness. As in American Taliban - really, really into converting infidels (all us woke people) internally before focusing outward with their sights set upon Islam. And Judaism, but that goes without saying. Essentially, they want to start a new Crusades. The huge NYT Haberman et al piece on Leonard Leo, Federalist Society, etc. Yeah, that's all part of it. Oh, and a good number of them are 100% down with genocide.
From the crusades to the Spanish Inquisition to European persecution of Jews, and it didn’t start with Hitler, he didn’t invent the Jewish ghettos or the wearing of the Star of David, but I digress, from the beginning until the present men have perverted the teachings of Jesus Christ-the ultimate pacifist. He said “love one another,” and parables are full of more wisdom than I’ve ever read in one place. I did this on my own because of growing up in the Bible Belt and doubting so much of what people said, I just read the entire Bible like I would any book, from beginning to end a little each morning after work before sleep.
I get so upset at those ignorant hypocrites but also those who only judge by the crazy’s, the zealots, just like the man who told the pastor in Bens writing that they no longer followed that, turn the other cheek stuff.
I am aquatinted with quite a few of these people-they sing the loudest while lifting their hands up to the ceiling-not Jesus. They’re Sunday Christian’s and the name came from Christ, they are it. But they represent it to so many.
“I was able to maintain friendships with John McCain and Mitt Romney voting Republicans, despite our vehement disagreements over policy.”
Several of my friends and I have a number of disagreements over policy. Some minor, some quite vehement. But however intensely we differ on what should be done about a situation, we agree on the basic facts of the situation and leave even a heated discussion still friends with mutual respect.
I also had friends who just could not bring themselves to acknowledge basic facts of reality. Talking with them very quickly became a pointless exercise, and is also why the first sentence of this paragraph is in the past tense.
The hold Trump holds over so many--especially those who claim to be Christians--just baffles and terrifies me.
In my experience upwards of 80% of people who declare themselves to be “Christians” aren’t. It’s just a label they apply to themselves as cover so they can believe they are good people as they violate all of Christ’s teachings.
So that they cling to Trump baffles me not at all.
Thanks Ben for bringing this story out and telling its truth. Right, this started decades ago but what is ingrained in my mind I’d the George Bush Campaign ran by Karl Rove, using fear of everything including non-existent WMD’s that were never found, but they used evangelicals too, to win for GW Bush. I knew people who voted for Bush specifically for that reason, that he was a born again Christian.
That’s when it took on a life of its own and grew ever more dangerous, ripe for someone like Donald Trump to step in. Btw, we know trump said he didn’t need forgiving, a big no no in any Baptist belief, he said he never sinned, another big no no. Well they have their new profit, a false one if their ever was. If their really is an anti-Christ I would say it’s Donald Trump, he did everything right, except have “all” people follow him and that ain’t Donald. Almost, like some believed Hitler was, but they didn’t quite make the cut.
So good!! So true. Thank you Ben.
OK, I read it. Stopped thinking you were another Right Wing Moron, Fruitcake. My tolerance for them is exhausted. You did well.
Gosh. You actually read what Ben wrote and decided he wasn’t a wing nut after all (but still called him a fruitcake, David). I’m sure you made his day.
Will not read further. Anyone care to translate this rant?
Further than what? And if you didn’t read it, how do you know if it’s a rant or not?