Joe Rogan is a dumber Rush Limbaugh, and we all know what a malign influence the latter had on this country.

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Since he is also spreading the falsities about the voting systems, can he not be held liable by them? Seems these things need to be litigated and quickly. He is dangerous. And moronic. Like his orange liege.

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Its real that deliberately being controversial actually bumps up your web views then whatever monetization connected to that is the gimmick for a quick influx of cash. He is getting traffic like gangbusters right now.

Its how the algorithm wants to destroy us.

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Ironically, he hosted a show "Fear Factor" where he literally made people eat insects. So it isn't a great stretch that he is now a propaganda/projection spewing, fear mongering, megaphone for idiots.

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Is Joe Rogan any worse than the fake LSM that allows republiCONS to come on their show and lie. The fake LSM know they are lies and allow the liars to talk over them. Has the fake LSM ever asked the republiCONS to clarify or tell the talkers that is and out and out lie. NO, NO, you have rightwing media lying because their mouth is open and fake LSM allowing the blatant lies. The American people are screwed.

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Why are these rightwing hacks allow day-in-day out 24/7 to spew lies and what about it both democrats and republiCONS do it and the fake LSM doesn’t challenge them? Where are the sues where are the democrats? Melanie sue and closed down a media because she sued the Daily Mail saying she was not a stripper. Sorry to say there are plenty pictures showing very little clothing. The democrats can close these liars down once and for all if they had a less curved spine.

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Who’s pulling Mr. Rogan’s strings?

Which billionaire is financing Mr. Rogan?

A moron like Mr. rogan can’t make up this stuff because he’s too intellectually challenged.

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Thanks Ben. I will probably need to psychologically profile Rogan in the future, so that will be useful.

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