Please don't insult vile, unpatriotic, anti-democratic, subterranean trolls by lumping them in with Jim Jordan.

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In re: a third vote: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/19/house-speaker-vote-live/

Apologies to all who’ve already seen it.

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So now the little guy with the big gavel gets to play Speaker for a while, I guess. Oy!

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Nice article. There’s a fourth option, another Republican, probably someone we haven’t heard about that we wouldn’t expect, getting a handful of R votes with most or all Dems. Probably about as likely as Jeffries, but a slightly better chance.

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“He’s the last half-eaten, germy, hauntingly fingered donut in the breakroom.” That is some award-winning description.

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