That Elon Musk has 12 children is just obscene. Same for that douchebag Nick Cannon (12), and I’m not excusing you, Mick Jagger and Rod Stewart (eight each). This is right out of the opening of “Idiocracy”. 🤔😉😊

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This is perhaps the most important Banter article to date, and I hope its public so more people can see it. You've provided a great narrative of their true intentions and motives, which also radiates today into the incel movement. That's the dream Christian to mingle with -- looks like a Playboy Playmate, is a virgin, yet comes into the marriage with adult film star lovemaking skills. Men, by nature, tend to peak sexually between 18-22 after roaring out of the gates in their tweens when their non monkey spanking options are limited. Women keep blossoming in their sexuality in their 30's, 40's and well, well, beyond. Hence, why we see so many teen boys living out "Hot for Teacher" fantasies at school with women likely tired of dealing with damaged and abusive men of their own age. But then there's still the elephant in the room -- Islam. Look at the whole reason they shroud their women head to toe in hijab, burqas, and other drapery --often in oppressive heat -- simply to not TEMPT other men. Why they remove women's genitals to prevent them from experiencing pleasure, and perform "honor killings" should she have pre-marital sex. Why the LGBTQ community is stoned and murdered, because how dare they enjoy pleasure without procreation?!? The left is SO afraid of being called Islamophobic that they never call out Muslim cultures on the systemic violations of human rights they openly practice. Those in Gaza who were not straight men didn't have it easy before 10/7. And we wonder why there are so many children in the region (proportionally to the population), tragically falling victim to bombings and famine on top of their systemic suffering before the war.

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Ben, your perspective is nothing short of remarkable. After thoroughly reviewing your posts, I felt compelled to write about you. The boldness and clarity in your viewpoints are truly striking, and they demand attention.


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Sep 14Edited

When they let you grab 'em by the p**** contraception is an afterthought.


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