Regardless of the outcome, a note of gratitude to the Banter team--Cohen, Cesca, Rosario, Herschlag--for incredibly insightful, provocative, articulate, and sane writing during these FUBAR times.

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The Republicans will try to suppress as many votes as possible. I don’t know if they’ll throw out enough ballots or prevent enough votes from being cast to make a difference, but we could be talking thousands of Biden votes or potential Biden votes across the country not being counted. That’s enough of a possibility to make anyone anxious.

And then there’s the electoral college voters. Will they try what some of them did four years ago and give Trump their votes regardless of who won the popular votes in their states? Despite certain states passing laws banning this behavior, it’s still a very real possibility.

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It’s telling that the Democrats are saying “get out and vote” and the Republicans are saying “let’s stop the votes from being counted“.

And if you ask a Republican or a Trump supporter why that is, why Republicans are so eager to suppress the vote, you’ll get all sorts of empty dodges about trying to make sure the election process is safe and fair. They’ll throw all sorts of nonsense out, make the most ridiculous arguments, anything but admit the real answer (which despite all their dancing, they *know* is the real answer): If they let people actually vote they will lose and lose BIG. Cheating is the only way they have to win.

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It all sounds promising, but the anxiety is real and remains. As it should.

The signs may all be good, but we should assume nothing, not take any chances, and continue doing anything we can (vote, offer to drive others to polling places, work the phone banks right to the last moment the polls are open, ...) to assure a Biden victory right up to the moment until it is officially declared.

Then, and only then, can we pause and take a deep breath. (Pause, not stop. Because even if Trump is gone and the Senate is Democratic, the rats will remain and the fight won’t be over yet.)

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MAGAs' plans for tonight: lock and load, and await instructions from The President. Exercising their rights to defend their delusional existence.

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For which, they will fail!

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Poo Poo Poo/spits three times and turns around until If I fall down or fall down from getting drunk if Drumpf wins

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My plans for election night tomorrow, is to take a whole bunch of THC capsules and oil, along with some sleeping pills and NyQuil, and sleep the entire night through. Then, wake up the next morning to the news that Biden and the Democrats have washed out the red in D.C. with a Blue Tsunami!

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