Taibbi was vivisected by Mehdi. I am glad. Taibbi "cock-sure" attitude needed some perspective. Between Mehdi and Wasserman-Schultz he has a bunch of wounds to lick. Thank you for the discussion.

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This was lovely. Thank you!

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I totally disagree. Hassan all but ignored the crux of the Twitter Files, NSA telling Twitter what to publish, while wildly exaggerating 3 minor factual flaws in Tiabbi’s voluminous reporting.

Tiabbi is a student of the “Manufacturing Consent” school and his reporting is in line with reporting that called into question NSA reporting on WMD’s and the US “winning in Vietnam”

Hassan did not factually refute the fact that NSA is again pushing propaganda and Iraq and Vietnam are two example of how their propaganda makes America weaker and kills innocent people.

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⬆ In case anyone needed another example of “Never mind what you were talking about, look over there!”

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CF - Hassan's focus on 3 mis-statements from the Twitter files did not refute the biggest revelations in the twitter files, which is that the CIA and Twitter were editorializing tweets to push a certain narrative.

I get, Musk dropped the files to try and embarrass Biden with the his sons revenge porn. And Matt played along. But that was not the biggest revelation from the files. Not to those of us that actually care about keeping the government out of controlling the press.

But the biggest "News" from the files was the validation of the long term involvement of the CIA with "controlling" the media narrative. From Vietnam to Nicaragua to Iraq to Russia Gate the government has given the Media the story it wants published and that story has consistently turned out to be a bag or half truths and lies.

Hassan, as Chomsky showed in Manufacturing Consent, blew by that reality in the twitter files and instead spent the preponderance of the interview focusing on the irrelevant. It's not about lying, it is about FRAMING. You focus on the irrelevant and ignore the relevant.

This is exactly what Right wing media does to get simple minded Americans to think the 2020 election was a fraud and that tax cuts to the rich actually do trickle down to the poor.

I am guessing Chomsky concepts on propaganda are way above you head. Your view of propaganda is any media that reports stories you don't like. And Good media is any story you like, truth or intent does not matter, right?

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Hassan's noting of 3 mis-statements from the Twitter files were just additional examples of how shoddy and intentionally misleading Taibbi’s reporting was.

That you focus on those and purposely ignore the other more glaring examples Hassan gave (for example, Taibbi refusing to include that it was revenge porn that the Biden campaign was asking Twitter to review) shows that your interest in truth and legitimate reporting is as absent as Taibbi’s.

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