With a slightly less valiant defense of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, this year’s State of the Union Address would go a little something like this . . .
Scarily good. Borowitz needs to fear for his job. In an effort to be fair to all Americans, writers of the constitution, never envisioning the ignorance, racism, avarice and all out thuggery of the cesspool known as the republican party, created a document that allows the “tyranny of the minority” to threaten the very existence of our democracy.
Scarily good. Borowitz needs to fear for his job. In an effort to be fair to all Americans, writers of the constitution, never envisioning the ignorance, racism, avarice and all out thuggery of the cesspool known as the republican party, created a document that allows the “tyranny of the minority” to threaten the very existence of our democracy.